donderdag 21 januari 2016

Seeds #10: Poidespaces

The 10th edition of Seeds will deal with physical movement and sound movement connected to each other. The human body as the foundation of a performance by dancer Thomas Körtvelyessy and pianist Benjamin Strauch. Reacting on weight and creating it, either dancing or playing the piano. The lively show will be the outcome of a research. Come and enjoy!

Thomas Körtvélyessy - movement/room

Benjamin Strauch - sound/space

In memoriam / In the mind: Hazrat Inayat Khan, Noa Eshkol, Morton Feldman, Salvatore Sciarrino, John Escreet and Milan Kundera

(and James Joyce, if you must insist, for SoundDance) 

Thursday February 4th

20.00, doors open 19.30

Paradijslaan 115

3034 SJ Rotterdam

Entrance: 5 €

Seeds is a nonprofit event, all ticket income goes to the artists. If you like what they do, feel welcome to donate extra!